Safeguarding Your Business From The Inevitable Twitter Bust

Posted by Unknown | Tuesday, October 13, 2009 | 0 comments

Social networking has impacted business in a major away, both online and offline. Savvy business owners and internet marketers are finding ways to piggyback off of the popularity of these sites to gain consumer confidence, build brand loyalty and make sales. While social networking provides outstanding opportunities, it is important that marketers not put all of there “eggs in one basket” and that they plan for the end. When the public fascination wanes, which it undoubtedly will, this will likely mean a sudden and dramatic drop in income for some individuals.

There will always be a newer, bigger and better website that people will eventually flock to. It is important to plan for this. While it is important to stay current, traditional marketing methods will still prevail. In this article, we will discuss some ways to safeguard your business and income from the inevitable Twitter bust.

a. Provide Lasting Value: If you want to benefit from your Twitter followers long after the website dips in popularity, make yourself invaluable. Consistently provide your Followers with solid information, tips, entertainment or whatever your specialty is. Doing this will significantly increase the likelihood that they will become long term fans or buyers of your products.

b. Collect Email Addresses: Always, always try to collect the email addresses of your
followers. Email marketing is one of the best ways to make a consistent income online. Use Twitter to develop credibility so that your email conversions are high. In order to get your followers’ email addresses, offer them something free. This might be a free e-book, discount on a product or simply quality information that they would be hard pressed to get anywhere else.

c. Promote Your Primary Website: It is important that you get the word out about your primary website. This is because if your followers stop visiting Twitter altogether or reduce their use of the social networking website, they still know where to find you and purchase your products.

d. Start A Traditional Blog: Because the internet is so fluid, social networking sites that might be popular today may not be tomorrow. However, people tend to bookmark their favorite traditional websites and blogs. Having a blog that you update regularly will tend to stay pretty popular amongst your fans as long as it gives them what they want and has free content, while a particular social networking site may not. A website is great for static information, though it may be updated occasionally. Therefore, having both a website and blog is ideal. If people no longer feel compelled to tweet, they can still get lots of fresh content from your blog.

e. Offer “Twitter Only” Specials: One way to encourage continued participation on Twitter by your followers is to offer specials that are only available on Twitter. Offer significant discounts and your followers will tend to stayed involved.


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Words are the driving force for everyone to do something in their lives. Learning the right words will create a fantastic internet business for anyone. Learn to use the words that attract people to the business.

Several words are considered “hot buttons” to get reactions for people. These simple everyday words are proven to get great results in any market with any client or customer. Use the hot button words to increase the earning potential of the business. Even if you are a web publisher running a website or blog to earn advertising revenue, you may find learning to use these words helpful for your site promotion campaigns.

The first word is “fast.” People do not like to wait for anything, especially services or products. Waiting is not time efficient in the day where many people have busy lives. Produce the services or products fast and the client or customer will be forever grateful. They will return in the future for more services and products.

Efficient” means being effective without wasting time or energy and being conscience of the end results of the project. No wants to waste time so being efficient saves on having to do something again due to mistakes that might have been made in the past. Do it right the first time to avoid wasting time to correct problems.

Trusted” is a word many people need to know is part of the service. No one wants to be taken advantage of. People need to know the product and service is legitimate and with proven results. To be able to trust a person, product, or service is critical for business to survive. Be trustworthy for everything done by the business and in the personal life.

Having a “proven” service or product earns the trust of customer. People need to know the product or service has a good history. No one wants to use something that will not produce they are seeking. Think of buying something, which ends up being a waste of money, not a good thing to experience.

Guaranteeing” a product and service will produce more sales. Everyone needs to have some kind of guarantee they are making the right decision to use the product or service. Even if the guarantee has a limited time, people feel they can still change their minds about their purchase at some point. Guaranteeing products and services earns the trust of the consumer.
Using the mentioned words will boost the sales of the business. Consumers need to feel safe, secure, and respected. Showing appreciation for their needs will be extremely beneficial and profitable.

The #1 service of every business is customer service and satisfaction. Provide the customer with wonderful satisfaction will create a returning customer. Provide the customer with terrific customer service based upon respect, trust, guarantees, and great services that are proven will create a customer who will not only return in the future but will also recommend the business to others.


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